Monday, January 9, 2012

a chance to start over 2012

2011 was a good year. In all aspects of it, and I am greatful for the blessing that was year 23 of my life. I met new friends, I lost old ones, I kept existing ones, I got a promotion, I decided to go back to school (2012), I got my heart broken, I got my heart healed, I continually learnt how to love, live, be happy. I learnt new things, I rejected to learn some, I read lots of new books, and I bought most of them. I did not buy any CD's, I bought lots of clothes and gifts. I learnt how to accept things I cannot change, I learnt I was strong. I took lots of photographs, I had sleepless nights crying, I had long phone conversations talking about nonsense. I fell a couple of times inside my house, I rolled on the grass once. I splashed the man behind most of my smiles with water, I slapped him numerous times playfully, I held his hand, I looked into his eyes. I shared kisses, hugs. I screamed a couple of times, I lied on the floor in a bundle weeping once or twice. I smiled till my jaws became painful, I danced to slow and fast music. I went out at night every now and again, I spent the majority of my weekends watching movies, eating, and sleeping. I grew. I evolved into the woman I am today.

In 2011 I lived, and now I am being afforded the chance to start over 2012.
Happy New Year, Blessing for the Year ahead.
Be Greater than you were before!!!



  1. you forgot singing in front of your collegues as a pop star at the year end party.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts, much appreciated.